Products & IT Services The range of products and IT services offered by CubeRoot are listed below. Please click on a product header for a full description. For other services, please visit our Software and Test section. w Cuberoot Network & IT Services - Full details (PDF) Cuberoot can offer a full range of IT and networking services. Our expertise includes network design and installation, structured wiring installation, multi-site and homeworking solutions, e-mail and high speed Internet access, Microsoft and Linux server platforms, anti-virus and firewall solutions. w NetCommander: The most versatile monitor in the world more.... NetCommander is a versatile office and industrial remote monitoring and control product. The server room environment solution monitors temperature, relative humidity, PIR's, smoke detectors, and IP cameras etc. It can be interfaced into your existing building alarm, UPS and air conditioning systems to provide a remote monitoring capability, email and mobile SMS text notifications.The pharmacy fridge monitor protects temperature sensitive medical products such as vaccines and blood banks.
Netcommanders remote Web interface can be accessed and controlled from anywhere in the world. Upgrades for SNMP MIB-2 support and our serial device support are also available. w Surelink : ISDN backup for ADSL(HTML) Full details(PDF) Surelink offers a VPN reroute capability using ISDN backup for ADSL VPN / VPNs. It provides customers the guaranteed connectivity of Leased line with the significant cost savings associated with ADSL. w Visit our new renewables website Energy saving products Energy saving bulbs, eco kettle, electrisave, mains plug, logmaker, water and vegetable oil biodiesel svo vehicle products. Save money and energy with our range of energy saving bulbs, kettle, mains adapter, electrisave, water, intelliplug, savaplug, and vehicle vegetable oil fuel svo wvo products. .